Sunday, August 21, 2011


As I hop in to line with legs like jelly,

a racing heart and a stomach full of

Butterflies I felt like I was going to


Ten minutes had past and it was our

Turn, I sat in a large red seat unable

To even feel my legs.

We started moving up up up.

“I am starting to rethink this I want to

Get off” we all moaned and groaned but we where all ready half way up.

We reached the top…..

We heard the other side go down click!

‘‘aaaaaaahhhhhh” we hit the bottom gasping for breath.

All wobbly and unstable we walked out the gate ‘‘I want to do that again’’ I screech as I head for the line.

1 comment:

  1. hi abi. my faverite part is how you said how u said my legs felt like jelly!
